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Recycle Me

Recycle Me

We've always taken sustainability seriously — creating, sourcing and supplying authentic food the proper way, with clean ingredients treated nicely.

Plus, the vast majority of our packaging has always been recyclable — our glass jars can be recycled time and again, and were probably a different glass jar or bottle in their previous life.

One of the main challenges with recycling for consumers has been clear instructions on how and where to discard packaging once you're done with it.

Of course, the best option is to re-use the jar for your homemade jam, a garden lantern or your desktop pen pot.

The next best option is to recycle, ideally through your home or council collections. Trouble is, every council has different rules, some with big bins, others with specific boxes or bags for specific materials.

To help with that, you'll see we're publishing more information about the materials used in our packaging including the weights and recycling codes on the Recycle Me tab on our product pages…

In addition to helping our consumers recycle our packaging more effectively, we're hopeful that publishing this information will also be useful to our Business customers who may need to report on the packaging they supply through their shops or establishments.

Rest assured we'll continue to use as much recyclable packaging as possible and we'll continue to publish useful information on our packaging materials and how to effectively recycle them once you've enjoyed the products inside.

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